Resource Development

Nutrition Education

By |April 2nd, 2015|Categories: |Tags: |

There is a lot of confusion around nutrition. Mostly due to the mass of conflicting information promoted across the internet. For individuals who are keen for an evidence-based and balanced approach to their nutrition, they can learn the true nutrition foundations through Kate's flip-learning education program at Ayla Health. The Ayla Health app delivers a specially designed program of learning so that users can take on bite-sized pieces of information and apply it to their life. It's all about building the self efficacy and knowledge to make your own food decisions and because the learning tackles one habit at [...]

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Meal Planning

By |December 27th, 2014|Categories: |Tags: |

Meal Planning is a key skill to develop that helps people have healthy, nourishing food available to them when they need it in the midst of a busy life. Kate teaches the necessary skills for meal planning through an individualised approach. Based on their personality and thinking styles, Kate encourages her clients to think about their food in advance in the way that suits them best. Kate also teaches these skills through workplace seminars and workshops. Kate has built a meal planning tool into the Ayla Health mobile app called 'My Meals'. Her goal with this tool is to [...]

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Workplace Seminars

By |December 27th, 2014|Categories: , |Tags: , |

Support your workplace or group to thrive! Kate offers a range of fun, engaging and educational nutrition presentations and seminars that cover practical advice for eating well. These are delivered through The Healthy Eating Hub brand. Kate provides practical advice, with lots of visual meal ideas and product recommendations, shares relatable anecdotes and will always provide the latest, most up-to-date information, based on the scientific-evidence available.

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